Podcomp is a groundbreaking bathroom manufacturer delivering 2500 bathrooms each year. Their five machines from Aplicator Group are absolutely vital for the highly efficient production line to run smoothly.
Located in Piteå, in Northern Sweden, Podcomp makes prefabricated bathrooms for house manufacturers. Since the start 2012 Podcomp has been in steady growth. Each week 45-50 bathrooms are made, resulting in a yearly production of 2500 bathrooms.
– The technique of using fiber-composite for walls, floors and ceilings results in steam and water sealed-constructions with better longevity, leading to a more sustainable bathroom solution, explains Peter Lundmark, CEO at Podcomp.
Podcomp is certified according to ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 9001:2015 and have high demands on all their equipment used. Aplicator-machines are used for creating the walls, floors and ceilings from fiber-composite, as well as bonding tiles and joining walls and floors together.
When setting up production, choosing Aplicator Group-equipment wasn’t a difficult decision.
– Our staff had long and good experience of working with Aplicator Group-products before and for such a vital part of our production we needed quality we could trust, says Peter.
The high production tempo and the big volumes of liquid materials going through the pumps make the choice of machines an important business decision for Podcomp.
– It feels good to have all machines from the same manufacturer, and to let us have yearly on-site service on every unit.
– Our Aplicator Group-machines are absolutely vital parts of our production line. If they should stop the whole factory would come to a stand-still. Yet, it has never happened. They keep running, says Peter Lundmark, CEO at Podcomp.