Multicolour Gelcoater and Polyester Machine

MIPG-24/HV Combi

MIPG-24/HV Combi is a Multicolour Gelcoater and Polyester machine. This single machine, which is a further development of the successful MIPG 24/HV, is suitable for both gelcoat application with a spray gun and resin application using a roller during laminating processes.

The new design is more compact and efficient whilst providing the same advantages as the MIPG-24/HV machine. With a simple and efficient change over action, it can apply different colours of gelcoat mixed by a static mixer on the spray gun. There is one polyester pump connected to a static mixer on the machine. Application of  resin when laminating is made easier with only one hose from the polyester pump to the roller handle. Overall, this technology offers numerous, cost effective benefits such as high quality gelcoat finishes, ease of handling, low maintenance, safety and reliability with minimal environmental impact.



Aplicator’s MIPG-24/HV Combi machine uses an air-driven dual-acting piston pump for the gelcoat-resin and catalyst. For precise delivery of catalyst, regardless of variations in air supply or viscosity of material, the stainless steel catalyst pump is synchronised with the gelcoat resin pump shaft. Catalyst volumes are easily adjusted by means of a handwheel that changes the stroke length of the pump and the mixing ratios are continuously variable. The catalyst is pumped straight from the original container and gelcoatresin is pumped via a suction hose from a 25 litre pail or a 200-litre drum. For degassing and testing the machine is also equipped with a unique gelcoat-resin and catalyst recirculation system.



Instead of using a conventional accumulator and to ensure material flow is consistent, Aplicator has developed a unique system that accurately couples the pumping pressure of the gelcoat-resin and catalyst. Additionally, careful design and tuning of all internal cavities and moving parts within the pumping process and by linking with the Double Flow Technology of the DF-2000 system, has resulted in an unsurpassed accuracy of flow and mixing.



Aplicator have developed a spray gun, with the mixing chamber immediately in front of the spray nozzle, which optimises the introduction of catalyst in the gelcoat flow and thoroughly blends the two components together. This results in a high quality finish and long term stability of the finished product. By pressing the flush button, the mixing chamber and nozzle is automatically flushed reducing solvent use and effects on the environment.



Changes of gelcoat colours or to laminating application are simple and quick and can be made without interruption in production. Simply slide the air motor along the frame to a different gelcoat pump and reconnect the spray gun to the relevant hose or move the air motor to the resin pump witch is connected to the roller-dispenser.

MIPG-24/HV Combi



  • Continuously adjustable catalyst ratio

  • Recirculation of gelcoat/resin and catalyst

  • Static mixer in the gun

  • Reduced solvent consumption

  • Flushing with a mix of solvent and air

  • Reduced material wastage

  • Even flow of catalysed material

  • Easy to operate

  • Light weight spray gun

  • Pumps can be added as needed

  • Up to 30m hose length available

  • Wheeled chassis for full mobility



Air supply: 6 bar (90 psi)
Air consumption: 150 litres / litre output
Capacity: Up to 6 litres / min, depending on viscosity, hose length/diameter and nozzle orifice
Max. working pressure: 144 Bar (2169 psi)
Pressure ratio: 24:1
Mixing ratio: Continuously variable between 0.8 and 4.0 %
Hose length: Standard length 10 m
Weight of spray gun: 1 kg
Total weight: Varies, dependent upon model


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